Top Story: Biden to be 46th President

On the morning of November 7th 2020, four years after the election of Donald Trump, the defeat of the incumbent president by now President-Elect Joe Biden was announced. The importance of this historic win cannot be overstated. The wide margins in both the electoral college and popular vote reflect an American repudiation of fascism in

11 More Debate Questions CNN Should Have Asked, Night Two

The second set of debates in the Democratic 2020 presidential primary has concluded, but we at Torchlight believe that CNN’s moderators missed a few important areas of inquiry for the twenty candidates on stage. In part 4 of our continuing series, here are 11 questions we wish the second night debate participants had been asked:

11 Debate Questions CNN Should Have Asked, Night One

The second set of debates in the Democratic 2020 presidential primary has concluded, but we at Torchlight believe that CNN’s moderators missed a few important areas of inquiry for the twenty candidates on stage. In part 3 of our continuing series, here are 11 questions we wish the first night debate participants had been asked:

Now Is The Time For Politics

As with every mass shooting in America, only more so, the cry went up last Wednesday following the attack on Congressional Republican members at a practice for a charity baseball game: Disgusting. Not a day for politics. — John Whitbeck (@JohnWhitbeck) June 14, 2017 (Whitbeck is the chair of the Republican Party in Virginia.)

AHCA Stories: “This is about real people’s lives.”

In the wake of the House passage of the American Health Care Act, I spoke with one individual whose life would be deeply impacted by the AHCA becoming law. The following transcript has been lightly edited and annotated for clarity. Q: Let’s start with some background. What’s your full name, where are you from, what

Understanding the 2016 Election, Part II: The Democratic Primary

Virtually every major media outlet has given their take on the 2016 Presidential election, to the point where these examinations feel more indicative of each outlet’s identity than any real, comprehensive explanation of the event. Statistics-driven 538’s series focuses on how the rest of the media misinterpreted the polling data, perennial news explainer Vox largely